IPM for the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug: Part 4
ResourcesBeauveria (BotaniGard®)—Laverlam International, 117 South Parkmont, PO Box 4109, Butte, MT 59702; 406-782-2386. Fax 406-782-9912; www.laverlamintl.com. BioWorks, Inc., 100 Rawson Rd., Suite 205, Victor, NY 14564; 800-877-9443, 585-924-4362, Fax 800-903-2377; www.bioworksinc.com Chromobacterium (Grandevo®)—Marrone Bio Innovations, 2121 Second St., Suite B-107, Davis, CA 95618; 877-664-4476, 530-750-2800; www.marronebioinnovations.com Indoor Light Trap—Sterling International, Inc., 3808 N. Sullivan Rd., Bldg 16, Spokane, WA 99216; 800-666-6766, 509-926-6766, Fax 509-928-7313; www.rescue.com Metarhizium (MET52®)—Novozymes Biologicals, 77 Perry Chapel Church Rd., Franklinton, NC 27525; 919-494-3000, Fax 919-494-3450; www.novozymes.com Neem plus pyrethrins (Azera®)—MGK Company, 8810 10th Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55427; 800-645-6466, 763-544-0341, Fax 763-544-6437; www.mgk.com Pheromone Baited Black Pyramid Trap (Dead Inn™)—AgBio, Inc., 9915 Raleigh St., Westminster, CO 80031; 877-268-2020, 303-469-9221, Fax 303-469-9598; www.agbio-inc.com Pheromone Lures—Trécé, Inc., PO Box 129, Adair, OK 74330; 866-785-1313, 918-785-3061, Fax 918-785-3063; www.trece.com Pheromone Trap—Sterling, see above Sweep Nets, Beat Sheets, Black Lights—BioQuip Products, 2321 Gladwick St., Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220; 310-667-8800, Fax 310-667-8808; www.bioquip.com Sticky Barriers (Tanglefoot®)—Contech Enterprises, 7572 Progress Way, Delta, BC, Canada V4G 1E4; 604-940-9944, Fax 604-940-9433. |
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