Management by Crop
Download integrated pest management recommendations for brown marmorated stink bug in grapes, orchard crops, small fruit, and vegetables. The guidance documents were published in August 2016, and provide a synopsis of what researchers have learned so far.

Integrated Pest Management for Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in Grapes
Manejo integrado de plagas para la chinche apestoza café marmolada en viñedos
More information about BMSB in grapes.
Orchard Crops

Additional Resource
IPM Crop Perimeter Restructuring The implementation of IPM Crop Perimeter Restructuring (IPM-CPR) for the management of key tree fruit pests may be less costly, more sustainable, enhance biological control, and be just as effective as current standard management methods.
More information about BMSB in orchard crops.
Small Fruit

More information about BMSB in small fruit.

More information about BMSB in vegetables.
BMSB feeds on common ornamental plants, including catalpa, paulownia, and tree of heaven. Researchers are studying ornamental plants adjacent to other types of land to determine which areas may be particularly at risk.
Field Crops
Researchers are monitoring BMSB’s effect on field crops as part of a project that is distinct from the specialty crops grant represented on this website. We provide links, which may interest some specialty crop growers.